A tranquil plant filled family garden tucked into the heart of bustling Glasgow with a soft palette of purple, pink and white flowering plants, areas for dining, relaxing and space to play.
We were asked to create a plant filled, cottage style garden with room for a dining table and chairs as well as quieter seating for relaxing. We were also to include a swing for our client's daughter, somewhere to hang the washing, a shed, bin storage and a parking space.
To create more space we began by replacing the old inward opening gates with electric sliding gates and the old shed with a new, smaller shed. We clad this in western red cedar to match the new fence and positioned this at an angle, tucking the bins behind it so they are hidden from view.
A simple rope swing hangs from a reinforced beam attached to the shed. The swing takes up hardly any space in the garden and once our clients' daughter has outgrown it it can simply be removed and packed away without affecting the garden design.
Climbing plants have been planted up the post so that eventually the beam will act as a covered pergola.
A small cobbled circular patio, home to a bistro table and chair set to catch the morning sun, sits in front of the shed and is surrounded by a low clipped box hedge.
A soft gravel path leads gently to the back door. The surface was chosen to match the gravel in the driveway so that the garden feels like one larger space.
Flower filled beds provide a long season of colour and interest.
A raised patio for dining is built from reclaimed sandstone blocks and grey limestone.
The driveway is top dressed with gravel to match the pathways bringing flow to the garden. We sunk two sandstone chocks to guide our client as she parks. It is planted with resilient ground cover plants so that it feels a part of the garden space when the car is parked elsewhere.
The original garden with large shed, whirligig and swing taking up much space. The red chip driveway divides the space functionally in two making it feel much smaller than it actually is and the layout allows no space for plants.